25 Aug 2020 Current Affairs for UPSC PDF


कामयाब होने के लिए कई बार हमें जो है उसी में शुरुआत कर लेनी होती है,

 भले तैयारी पूरी ना हो क्योंकि यह इंतजार करने से काफी बेहतर है।

Last Day Important Questions with Ans:- 

1. Which ministry has launched the ALEKH portal. Ministry of Tribal Affairs

2. India is assisting which country in the constructing the arun-3 hydropower project Nepal

3. Kyaukphyu deep sea port located in which country..Myanmar

4. Kaladan Multimodal transit route- Kolkata to Mizoram {Via Sittwe port (Kaladan River) to Lashio to Mizoram (Road)}

5. Name of African country recently signed MoU with India on space cooperation…Nigeria


Current Affairs Today:-

1. Privately developed 'PINAKA' rocket successfully tested.

Economic explosives Limited had developed

Pinaka rockets are the first rockets to have been completely developed by private sector. 

Boost make in India share burden of ordnance factory Board.

Pinaka has the capacity to launch 12 guided rockets in 44 seconds.
2. Contempt of court Prashant Bhushan 

 A petition has been filed before the Attorney General of India (AGI) to seek sanction to initiate criminal contempt proceedings against the actor  Swara Bhaskar (one of the petitioners is Mehak Maheswari – the complainant in the Prashant Bhushan case)

Article  129- Supreme Court to be Court of record. The supreme court shall be a court of record and shall have all the powers of such a quote including the powers to punish for contempt of itself.

Contempt of court act 1971

Section 5- Not to be guilty of guilty of contempt of court for publishing any fair comment.

Comments- Judgement are open to criticism that must be done without casting aspersions(आक्षेप/कलंक)on the judge. 

Section 15- case of a criminal contempt High Court may take action on its own motion or on a motion made by

  1. Advocate general
  2. Any other person with the consent in writing to advocate general.

Advocate general means in relation to supreme Court- Attorney general or Solicitor general.

Attorney general office created under-Article 76

Highest law officer- right to speak and take part in both houses and joint sitting no voting right.

Can take part in proceeding of supreme Court.

Solicitor general- Other law officer for assistance of of attorney general. 
3. Launch of IAF mobile application My IAF

Application developed in association with Centre for development of Advanced Computing.

Details of selection procedure training curriculum pay and perks.
4. Central Government constitutes National Council for Transgender person

Power from section 16 of the Transgender person (protection of right) act 2019

Union Minister of social justice and empowerment will be chairperson (ex-officio)

Vice chairperson Union Minister of state for social justice and empowerment

Some functions:-

  1. Advice on formulation on policies program
  2. Monitor and evaluate the impact of policies and program
  3. Reviews and co-ordinate the activities of all departments of Government and NGOs
  4. Redress the grievances of transgender

Member of National council other than officio members shall hold office for the term of three years from the date of nomination.
5. Government of India and AIIB sign agreement for Dollar 500 million

To improve the network capacity service quality and safety of the Suburban railway system in Mumbai.

Project is expected to increase network capacity in the region with the reduction of journey time.

Reduction settle accident of commuters.(यात्रियों)

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank that aims to improve economic and social outcomes in Asia. The bank currently has 103 members as well as 21 prospective members from around the world. The bank started operation after the agreement entered into force on 25 December 2015,

HQ Beijing China
6. Farm sector going up but GDP going down first time in India.

In spite of agriculture production going up in the country's GDP is contracting

this is first time India is witnessing fall in GDP in spite of agriculture production going up

National statistical office is to release data

India Agriculture target doubling farmers income by 2022

Challenge- form holding ( farms divided in, farm size half of as before 40 years)
Irrigation, subsidiaries, misuse of fertilizers, soil nutrients, Poor cropping pattern.


  1. PM Krishi sinchai Yojana
  2. National agriculture market
  3. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
  4. Pradhanmantri fasal Bima Yojana
  5. Mega Food Park scheme
  6. Cold storage scheme
  7. Soil health card
  8. Farmer producer organisation

Central Statistical Office (CSO) and National Sample Survey Office under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) into a single entity
7. India's longest river rope way connecting Guwahati and North Guwahati over Brahmaputra river is inaugurated.

1.8 km long ropeway service

Operated from Kachari Ghat in Guwahati to Dol Govinda temple in North Guwahati.

Reduce the travel time between Guwahati as well as boost the tourism sector.

Opportunity to see the landscape of Guwahati city and mighty Brahmaputra and Umananda Temple peacock Island among others.
Most Important Questions:-

Que 1-  Hari Path mobile app launched by...

Que 2- Hari Path mobile app designed for....

Que 3- Ministry of skill development has signed a MoU with .......... for upskilling  of manpower in Port and Maritime.

Que 4- MESASEA stands for ..........in One Sun One World One Grid initiative.

Que 5- first Private company.........developed rocket.......

Que 6- Article  129 of constituent of India.......

Que 7- section  5 of Contempt of court act 1971 deals with.....

Que 8- Advice of Advocate General is necessary in contempt of court initiated against any person under section......

Que 9- Office of Advocate General  constituted under Article .....

Que 10- Chairperson of National Council for Transgender person......

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